Pre-Suit Mediation in South Florida

Committed to Helping Minimize Inconvenience to Your Clients

At So It’s Settled, I take great pride in working with attorneys and their clients and helping them identify and create custom-built solutions to their problems. The time and financial cost of extensive litigation can be prohibitive, and generally those experiencing litigation are eager to bring it to its conclusion.

Rather than going through this process, I can serve as an objective neutral third party and help the disputing parties come to an agreement outside of a courtroom. As a dedicated employment mediator in Miami, serving all of South Florida, my extensive experience allows me to provide parties with everything they need to find a resolution that works for everyone.

Contact So It's Settled to discuss how I can help keep parties out of the courtroom! Call (561) 383-9241 today.

When Pre-Suit Mediation Is Right for You

Overall, settling legal disagreements between two parties is easier, more efficient, and less expensive when handled by a mediator instead of a judge. Rather than weeks, or even months or years, pre-suit mediation can be handled in just hours. Clients can also generally expect a considerably less stressful experience than they would find in the courtroom. Whereas the outcome decided by a judge or jury is outside of the parties’ control, in mediation, each party has power over their situation and its outcome.

The benefit of a pre-suit mediation allows parties to crystallize the issues and problems of the dispute in a confidential, impartial, and private venue. Mediation can also resolve the matter more quickly and it empowers each party by giving them a voice and a role in determining the outcome of the dispute. Also, if an agreement is finalized, it allows the parties to move forward immediately, rather than engaging in a lengthy, stressful litigation process

Contact So It’s Settled

I am proud to provide pre-suit mediation from my office in Miami to attorneys and their clients throughout South Florida.

Reach out to my office at (561) 383-9241 to learn more about how I can assist you!
Put an End to Your Employment Dispute.
Turn to Our Firm for Effective Mediation
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So It's Settled